by Alcoholics
By: Alcoholics
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - Demo
Released on:May 27th, 1991
Remarks:Picture shows the Myth princess..
3.17 out of 10 (6 ratings)
Credits: Music
JCH of Vibrants, Dominators and Ikari
Deek of Crest, Genesis Project, Vibrants, Masters Of Reality and Excess (XS)
Drax of Bonzai, Crest, Vibrants, Amok and Conic
Jeroen Tel
TDM of Triad
Bob Stevenson
Lubber of Padua and Beastie Boys
Added: September 13th, 2001

alcoholics-cocktail.zipLegacy Download
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Size: 81 kBytes

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    see also

    Baracuda @ 2022-02-10 18:18:21
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    Respect to the old groups!

    Anonymous  @ 2001-11-14 00:21:43
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    nice oldschoold demo, that "FLI" part is the most blatant FAKE you will ever see ;) Came with a cool Ranx Maker by alcoholics that mimicked a crash with an Action Replay.

    Anonymous  @ 2001-10-16 20:15:00