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237 Results / Showing Page 1 of 79 with records 1 to 3
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  • YT-Links
    Baracuda @ Saturday, July 6, 2024

    All of them (298 Results) checked, all dead links removed and new YT-Links inserted..

  • C64 Submitter Markus Sinalco is dead !
    Baracuda @ Sunday, June 2, 2024

    Today bad news, as we found out that our Friend and Submitter of C64.CH Markus Sinalco is dead. He died at 07-06-2023. - RIP Markus

  • Thank you !
    Baracuda @ Friday, May 3, 2024

    We bring you 10775 Results.. Thank you for 27400 Users and 19'855'236 Downloads now !

557 Results / Showing Page 1 of 186 with records 1 to 3