Hit Mix 4
by Blazon
By: Blazon
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - Music
Released on:March 18th, 2009
Hidden Parts:
Oh YES! And it could be the first music collection ever done with a hidden part by BLAZON ! Here are some additional information about the current HIT MIX 4: - After the Intro Reset and then poke33458,136:sys33343 - In the preamble: Press the following keys at the same time ! -Arrow key Left+b - Return+F1 - r_shift+return Or if you write the value #$88 to the memory location $82b2 as long as you are still in the intro, you can enter the intro with any keystroke. Hidden part.. With help of a move routine in the monitor: T 8800 FFFF 0801 joy#1 down+fire should go, too. Everybody who knows assembler will discover more possibilities... by simply going into the table for $dc01. There you can see which combinations works.. You can use all keys from PB4 with PB1.
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Credits: Code
Dflame of Art Design, Crypt and Blazon
Richard of Blazon, The New Dimension and Bored
Dflame of Art Design, Crypt and Blazon
Baracuda of Blazon, Smash Designs and The Stock
Added: December 14th, 2021
Added by:Baracuda

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