by Blazon
Aka: Monkeys lost in space (These time the signal is not lost in space version)
By: Blazon
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - One File Demo
Released on:August 27th, 2021
Remarks:First Demo with Listart. After a HDD crash Richard lost all sources in January 2021 due to the old PC HDD, and nothing could be recovered. The demo parts you see now were updated by using Action Replay Machine Code Monitor before he submitted these to me.
Hidden Parts:
Not really a hidden part but an extra. You can see the Listart only when you won't start the mini demo directly. load the demo and then don't type run better type list...
n/a (Too few ratings)
Credits: Code
Richard of Blazon and The New Dimension
Richard of Blazon and The New Dimension
Firelord of Excess (EX)
Almighty God of TempesT, Excess (EX), Level 64, Warriors of the Wasteland, Anubis, Black Code Design, Atlantis and Trance
Logiker of Vintage Computing Carinthia
Richard of Blazon and The New Dimension
Logiker of Vintage Computing Carinthia
Baracuda of Blazon, Smash Designs, The Stock and C64.CH
Added: August 27th, 2021
Added by:Baracuda

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