A lost picture
by Blazon
Aka: Monster (Repaint)
By: Blazon
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - Graphics
Released on:August 19th, 2012
Remarks:A lot of work for me as a not professional painter.. But as i could not find a better version of the original i tried my luck..
Hidden Parts:
no hidden part but to understand these production you need the story behind which you can find here with the ori picture by OMG.: https://c64.ch/productions/8052/Monster
n/a (Too few ratings)
Credits: Code
Dflame of Art Design and Crypt
A-man of Xenon
Baracuda of Blazon, Smash Designs and The Stock
Added: February 24th, 2021
Added by:Baracuda

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    Zu sehen gibt es hier die "bekannten" 2 Wikinger (3X) welche einst Antichrist (OMG) gezeichnet hat und meine "revamped" Version dieses Bildes (2x) aus dem Jahr 1987.

    Baracuda @ 2021-02-24 12:10:04