by Padua
Aka: The Padua Wave
By: Padua
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - Demo
Released on:April 16th, 1990
Released at: Horizion Easter Party (Ranked 9th at the Demo-Competition)
Remarks:The linking of this demo was finished by Roman and Anonym in a youth hostel in Sweden. Lubber had biked by Roman's house the night before and dropped off the disk in Roman's mailbox. At the party we had tried to make this a coop demo between us and our ex-groupmates in X-Rated. It was meant to be one demo, however it was released without the files by the guys in X-Rated, since it was never linked together. It was also a good start for a new group and Padua was happy to see their group named the first time in a diskmagazine called Sex'n'Crime. After OMG mentioned this demo there, the new group Padua appeared in the demo group charts for the first time in the next issue of the diskmagazine S'n'C.
3.56 out of 10 (18 ratings)
Credits: Code
Lubber of Padua and Beastie Boys
Cruise of Padua
Reyn Ouwehand of Boys Without Brains, Scoop, Maniacs of Noise and Paradize
Drax of Crest, Vibrants, Amok and Conic
Roman of Padua
Anonym of Padua and X-Rated
Roman of Padua
Added: January 10th, 2000

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    This was actually released at the Horizon party in 1990 and it should be marked as a party demo. It should have been released in conjunction with a demo by X-Rated, but that never really happened.

    anonym @ 2003-08-23 19:27:52