Handjob Lotion
by Contex
By: Contex
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - Demo
Released on:May 15th, 1990
Remarks:Handjob Lotion was due to be released at the Horizon`s easter-party 1990 but was delayed.So it was the last demo ever from Contex before splitting up. It has the fantastic, classical cycleburner music sample parts. Released 15/5/1990 on Flex`s 16th birthday.
7.54 out of 10 (13 ratings)
Credits: Music
Jeroen Tel
Flex of Contex and Artline Designs
Apollyon of Contex and Artline Designs
Added: January 12th, 2002
Added by:Flex

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  • No avatar

    cool demo from Contex, and a blasting digi by Cycleburner in the last part.

    Anonymous  @ 2003-01-23 15:00:12
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    It was a nice trip anyway... to stckhlm vårby... I´m ashamed of my last demopart ever ("the fat lady part"...) Good scrolltexts though... (by rock*)

    apollyon @ 2002-03-22 23:15:09
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    Nice music done by Flex..

    juzdie @ 2002-03-15 18:16:00
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    Great design and a must for all friends of ctx-demos. Cool digi-soundtrack in the last part.

    anttihan @ 2002-01-18 21:29:39