Profile of anttihan
Real name:Antti Hannula
Public EMail:
Location:Tampere - Finland
Tell us something (blabla):Respect to the whole scene! Especially to the ones who were making it big in the 80`s.
Watching demos on:CCS64
In Groups:Contex, Artline Designs, Byterapers, Action Force
Favorite Groups:Hotline, Ikari, Dynamic Duo, 1001, Yeti, Papillons, Smash Designs, Crest, Blackmail, Fairlight, Triad, Maniacs of Noise, 2000 AD, Triangle, Dominators, Orion
Favorite Demos:Dutch Breeze, Fascinating, 2nd Reality, Soiled Legacy, Altered States... too many to mention..
Registered on:January 18th, 2002 (8436 Days ago)
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