Mt. St. Helens
by Modern Artwork
By: Modern Artwork
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - One File Demo
Released on:January 1988
Remarks:Digital Times, a new German C64 disk magazine was planed to be published with Digital News, another German C64 diskmag by Digital Marketing . But as Digital News had problems to find ways to get sold at a store, Dieter Mückter once told me, it seemed that these project (Digital Times) have never seen the light.. So these little file demo was published as Public Domain Software by Digital Marketing and Dieter Mückter on his own Public Domain Series Disk 001. Dieter wrote in his catalog and in his disk magazine also about the problems to find a store for Digital News.. As "Demo des Monats!" this demo was again published together with Digital News issue 04/88 (April 1988).
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Credits: Code
Modern Artwork
Fred Gray
Martin Galway
Modern Artwork
Added: April 28th, 2023
Added by:Baracuda

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