Demus Interruptus
by Crest
By: Crest
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - One File Demo
Released on:August 3rd, 2001
Remarks:Demo use art from Danny & Louie which took an unknown girl to produce an angel out of her.. Demo could fail to work on Emus....
7.52 out of 10 (25 ratings)
Credits: Music
Dane of Booze Design
The Syndrom of Padua, Sunrise, Crest and Fuse
Added: August 11st, 2001

crest-demus_interruptus.zipLegacy Download
Downloads: 11840
Size: 52 kBytes

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Total Downloads:11840
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    Take a closer look here f.e.

    Baracuda @ 2022-08-21 23:49:42
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    very nice demo.

    Henrch22 @ 2012-01-07 23:47:57
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    Classic old school genius. Works fine on Hoxs64 v1.0.4.7

    david @ 2006-05-23 02:05:05
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    thanks crossbow. you're my hero! btw, do you have some spare rastertime for me? hehe

    tix.64 @ 2002-11-04 11:57:24
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    This demo works on emulators if you reset it after the "stick your fuckin' emu in ya arse" comment, and sys $4e00 ... Btw, am I the only one who thinks it's pretty kewl to put 5 sprites on a FLI pic?!? ... It's been common knownledge ever since FLI was invented that you could only put 4 sprites on a normal FLI-pic, and then suddenly Xbow uses some "illegal" upcodes in a ingenous way to reduce the number of cycles for the manipulation... Truly impressive dude!

    Anonymous  @ 2001-12-23 03:22:24
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    Oh, I didn't notice the previous fix-note. But for the one who wanted to know how these bars are called: KEFREN BARS...

    Anonymous  @ 2001-11-04 00:16:07
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    It works with any Emulator by pokin'

    53038,169 and 53039,0 or

    by patching the D64-File at Offset

    0x9bc1 with 0xa9 and 0x9bc2 with 0x00.

    By the way, it's not really worth it.

    Anonymous  @ 2001-11-04 00:11:48
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    I really must appoloigze for my earlier comment. After seeing the demo on real C=64, I can understand why they did'nt want a bigger audience for their demo!

    These can and have done much better work than this.

    Instead of dowing emulation, they should be doing everything they can to reach the most people.

    Buffalo says Bye-Bye

    Buffalo @ 2001-10-07 14:30:25
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    "We didn't want to do this, but... The Demus Interruptus works ok on VICE emulator so you can do this to enable it's functionality in emulator. POKE 53038,152 - POKE 53039,234 - RUN. Thanx to WVL for being the first and to Nemezis for releasing the fix note. Have fun."

    Lot's of nice vertical sine bars (How the hell are these called?)

    Sprites upon a Fli pic (This works good only on Vice)

    It's fun to see the very familiar PC pic of Danny, converted on the C64 btw ;)

    Anonymous  @ 2001-10-03 12:59:56
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    Changing the jump adress does'nt work on our simulator..

    Instead, change the following lines:

    CF2E EOR #$03

    CF30 LDX #$03

    CF32 STA $FFFF,X


    CF2E LDA #$00

    CF30 LDX #$02

    CF32 STA $0000,X

    Best regards

    Slammer and Glasnost / CAMELOT

    (We did the rasters first :o) )

    Anonymous  @ 2001-09-30 00:58:26
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    By the way, Take your demo and shove it up your fuckin' arse!

    Anonymous  @ 2001-09-05 01:09:25
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    Change the jump after depack to $4e00 to see it on an EMU...hehe...

    Anonymous  @ 2001-08-21 10:38:27