No Booze
by Triad
By: Triad
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - Demo
Released on:May 15th, 1989
Released at: Horizon & Equinoxe Party (Ranked 2nd at the Demo-Competition)
Remarks:This demo was the one that used $D017 tricks to its extend by dysping atc.. also different sprite/stretch (zoom) effects too..
7.47 out of 10 (15 ratings)
Credits: Music
Charles Deenen of Maniacs of Noise and Scoop
JCH of Vibrants
Jeroen Soede of Soedesoft
Johannes Bjerregaard
Jeroen Tel
Reyn Ouwehand of Boys Without Brains, Scoop and Paradize
Steel of The Sharks, Success + The Ruling Company and Genesis Project
Added: Before December 1999

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