Hexagone 2
by Babygang
By: Babygang
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - Demo
Released on:1992
7.43 out of 10 (7 ratings)
Credits: Unspecified
Dany of Babygang
Added: January 16th, 2000

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Size: 100 kBytes

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  • No avatar

    Ozzy, you're everywhere :-) Too bad that all BYG productions are not available on the net

    Papapower / babygang

    papapower @ 2003-08-27 22:12:42
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    Hi, Ozzy/babygang at the keys.. ;)

    Well, it was the last prod from the babygang but also the last piece of code from Ludwig who's passed away in early 1994 :(

    Finally, the last active members of the Babygang were known under the name of the Trisomic Boys mainly for game development, and they released Crazy cars III for Titus in 1992.

    That's it, It was fun but it has never ended for me anyway ;)

    take a look at http://www.orkysquad.org the adventure continues.... :)=


    ozzy @ 2002-07-24 09:57:45
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    Great demos!!!!!! a must from French scene :o)

    TaL/S!P @ 2002-02-04 10:23:40
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    Well, to bad they have stopped making demos... Hex*2 is a proof that even French dudes know, how to design demos... a real eye-dropper

    Anonymous  @ 2001-08-12 18:28:19