by Bonzai
By: Bonzai
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - Demo
Released on:1990
7.40 out of 10 (10 ratings)
Added: January 16th, 2000

bonzai-bonzieed.zipLegacy Download
Downloads: 2766
Size: 27 kBytes

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Total Downloads:2766
  • No avatar

    If I didn't knew this demo was released in the early ninetees I would have thought it was a demo which was recently released. The demo is great, many coders take this as an example, really!

    Anonymous  @ 2001-11-07 00:15:09
  • No avatar

    wicked one, an "adaption" of the rebels demo aciiiied on amiga. one of the first one part demos depacking on the fly? not sure...

    Anonymous  @ 2001-10-14 02:41:46
  • No avatar

    wicked one, an "adaption" of the rebels demo aciiiied on amiga. one of the first one part demos depacking on the fly? not sure...

    Anonymous  @ 2001-10-14 02:41:45