Mega-Co Demo
by Cosine, Crest, Light, The Ruling Company, Alpha Flight, Actual Trading Generation, Paradize, Beastie Boys, World Wide Expressive, Array, Drive, Full Force, Exos, Dynamix and X-Large
By: Cosine, Crest, Light, The Ruling Company, Alpha Flight, Actual Trading Generation, Paradize, Beastie Boys, World Wide Expressive, Array, Drive, Full Force, Exos, Dynamix and X-Large
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - Demo
Video-Standard: PAL
Released on:August 19th, 1989
Released at: Venlo Meeting August 1989
Remarks:Girlie picture from Barbarian II..
n/a (Too few ratings)
Credits: Graphics
Jo Walker
Added: October 9th, 2003
Added by:earthshaker

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