by 64ever
By: 64ever
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - Demo
Released on:November 25th, 2001
Released at: X-2001 (Ranked 2nd at the Demo-Competition)
Remarks:Final & Updated Version 1.1. The Loader is now more stable and should run on almost every machine! For more details, read the infofile inside the archive.
7.96 out of 10 (25 ratings)
Added: December 6th, 2002

64ever-insomnia-v1_1.zipLegacy Download
Downloads: 11065
Size: 229 kBytes

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Total Downloads:11065
  • No avatar

    very nice. good erotic screens.

    Henrch22 @ 2012-01-08 00:02:00
  • No avatar

    Kewl effects, and the musical scores rock.

    I give this one two thumbs up.

    roachk71 @ 2006-01-02 07:05:06
  • No avatar

    One of the most stylish C64-demos released in the last years!

    MacGyver @ 2003-05-28 11:55:10
  • No avatar

    One of the best out there

    Anonymous  @ 2003-03-12 11:34:20
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    fuking kool

    dwangi @ 2002-12-11 08:37:46
  • No avatar

    hrm. to be honest i don't like that one too much. it's good, but not great. sorry.

    tix.64 @ 2002-12-08 01:06:41
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    I had written too many words, read them at Pouet! :)

    Optimus @ 2002-12-07 09:47:31
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    Fucking Awesome Demo For The 64

    board_rider @ 2002-12-07 07:07:44
  • No avatar

    Two words: Just great!

    Sabbi @ 2002-12-06 18:00:33