Violator 2 - First Blood
by Genesis Project
By: Genesis Project
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - Demo
Released on:1991
Remarks:Demo use graphics from Defender of the Crown by Cinemaware 1987. For those who don’t want to read all the crap they wrote in the 53-Char-part, before they tell you the key, that you need to press to escape the is "*" As Lameness rules the neat thing about that 53-Char-part is that the text editor for this still is hidden in the memory. Just scourge through the first part of the mem with a monitor to find it. GP suxx again.. :-P
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Credits: Code
Scrap of Genesis Project and Contex
Bizzmo of Genesis Project
Scrap of Genesis Project and Contex
Added: December 6th, 2002

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