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Category: C64 - C64 Demo - One File Demo
Released on:October 13th, 1996
Released at: Pie Slice 1996 (Ranked 1st)
Remarks:Super-CPU optimized!
6.73 out of 10 (11 ratings)
Added: December 5th, 1999

resource-animate.zipLegacy Download
Downloads: 10202
Size: 20 kBytes

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Total Downloads:10202
  • No avatar

    You can see here one of the first, and nicest bump mappers, an interesting plasma and some blobs. They put together the damn thing on the pie-slice party live, from parts taken there by murphy, and won infront of my demo Speed/Coma released there... I was

    pretty angry about that, but back then I just started coding demos...

    Oswald @ 0001-01-01 00:00:00
  • No avatar

    Really cool bump. Some nice blocky 2d blobs (metaballs), nice flowers,. funny message reference about C64 beeing animations :)

    Kinda small..

    Anonymous  @ 0001-01-01 00:00:00