by Art Design
By: Art Design
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - Graphics
Released on:1994
Remarks:These box shows graphics only done by Bonfire aka Dflame. Most of these are rippings together (also taking Letters from other Logos, pieces from another artists pictures). As example you can take a closer look at Logobox1 / Picture 3. These Box includes only 1 picture by Dflame.. As we found out about these behaviour we told him to stop these but as you could see, know for sure, he never really did. RIP Michael. Most of the past rippings were done from Magic Disk / Game On Stuff.. Fun Fact: Picture 3 from Logobox 1 was called "Die Nackte Ellie"..
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Credits: Graphics
Dflame of Art Design and Crypt
Baracuda of Art Design
Baracuda of Art Design
Added: December 18th, 2023
Added by:Baracuda

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