by Artline Designs
Aka: Snake Chamber
By: Artline Designs
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - One File Demo
Released on:November 6th, 2023
Remarks:Apollyon did this song already a while ago and was just looking for a proper way to release it, as it's a bit weird.. It was first named "Subliminal Creatures" but then he decided to call it "Snake Chamber". He thought it fits better to this screen. ... This released version is version 407 of his tests with doing this 3 layers ball effect. Having fun with testing and playing around with the picture Converter png2prg to convert the picture before x-party-2023. Many hours I´ve been testing how to make it work, he said.
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Credits: Code
Apollyon of Artline Designs
Apollyon of Artline Designs
Apollyon of Artline Designs
Apollyon of Artline Designs
Added: November 13th, 2023
Added by:Baracuda

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