- Anonymous @ Thursday, December 5, 2002
Just uploaded 19 demos. This time from Crest, Fire Eagle, Starion, Panoramic, G*P and a few more. All demos are again oldies. I have more to come in the next few days. . <b>Earthshaker</b>
- Anonymous @ Monday, December 2, 2002
Server was down yesterday..no idea why!
Anyways, hope this reboot will stay a bit longer :)
- Anonymous @ Monday, November 25, 2002
We have finally moved locations! Everything should work fine...if not, drop me a mail!
- Anonymous @ Wednesday, November 6, 2002
7 demos from House Designs added. <b>Earthshaker</b>
- Anonymous @ Sunday, November 3, 2002
How about 29 new demos from Abnormal, Abyss Connection, Accuracy, Banshee, Bass, Battery, Century, Cosmos Designs, Gloom, Lore of Arts, Oxyron, X-Ample and the notorious 'Kaufhaus Demo' :)
All this demos where provided by <b>Jack Alien</b> and <b>xIII/WOW</b> who sent me his very own big private demo collection, to fill up this archive with more and more missing oldscool stuff! thank you very much, bro ! All my next uploads will mostly be taken out of this collection.
<b>The Breacker</b>
- Anonymous @ Saturday, November 2, 2002
Some more demos from Byterapers, Censor Design, Clique, Spiders Crew and Wrath Design. Enjoy and more to come soon... <b>Earthshaker</b>
- Anonymous @ Friday, November 1, 2002
Again some Server-Issues this morning! If you experience any probs on c64.ch, you can switch to old.c64.ch for the good old C64.V3-Website, which runs more stable in general! I won't be available for the next two weeks, so hopefully there will be no major issues in this time. Cya Sabbi
- Anonymous @ Sunday, October 27, 2002
23 new demos added. More golden oldies from Beastie Boys, Beyond Force, Brutal, Flash Inc, Focus, Heatwave, Hoaxers, Oxyron, The Voice, Union, WWE and more. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. <b>Earthshaker</b>
- Anonymous @ Friday, October 25, 2002
Again new demos. Golden Oldies from Triad, Censor, Century, Oxyron, Sphinx, Princes, Agile, 4753 Softcopy and Orion. More than 30 demos all in all.
A very big thank must go to <b>Jack Alien</b> for providing most of them !
<b>The Breacker</b>
- Anonymous @ Wednesday, October 23, 2002
Please welcome our 500th Member on C64.CH: