Latest Site News
  • Another One
    Earthshaker @ Saturday, August 16, 2003

    And on we go... We bring you some more. This time releases from <b>Crest, Fantasia, Quartet</b> and<b> Smash</b>. To be continued...

  • Small Update
    Jack Alien @ Friday, August 15, 2003

    Just a small update. Here we give you 5 more...

    Demos by <b>C64 Comics Group, Hysteric</b> and <b>Tristar</b>.


  • Primary Star Releases Added
    Sabbi @ Wednesday, August 13, 2003

    All Releases of the Primary Star 2003 Party are now online!

  • Updates & new Features
    Sabbi @ Wednesday, August 13, 2003

    Already two changes on the new

    • 'World News by CNET' already got kicked and replaced by the Scene News of <a href = "" target = "_blank">OrangeJuice</a>. Thanks to Unlock/Padua for the Feed :)

    • You may now <b>view the Contents of each ZIP-File</b> and, in case the ZIP Contains .d64-Images, even the Directory of every Disk-Image. Just click on 'View .ZIP-File-Contents' on the Demo-Detail Pages.

  • The new C64.CH is alive
    Sabbi @ Monday, August 11, 2003

    <b>Finally it's done!</b>

    After a long time, Version 5 of C64.CH is online.

    Have fun while exploring the new features and do not hesitate to send your feedback to <a href = "mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>

  • Anonymous @ Tuesday, June 17, 2003

    Added 11 demos today. All were again submissions, thanks! The releases are from <b>Across, Brutal, Byterapers, Drive, Finnish Gold, Noise, Nostalgia, Orion, Paragon</b> and <b>The Ruling Company</b>. Enjoy and be on the lookout for more... <b>Earthshaker</b>

  • Anonymous @ Friday, June 13, 2003

    The rest of the releases from the <b>Vision 2003</b> party are added. I also added a demo from <b>Focus</b> released in 2000. I hope to add some more in the next week. <b>Earthshaker</b>

  • Anonymous @ Tuesday, June 10, 2003

    I added the <a href = ""><b>Creators&Oxyron</b></a> demo which won the 2nd place and the <a href = ""><b>Cosine</b></a> demo which won the 3rd place at <b>Vision 2003</b>. As soon as I have the other demos I will put them online. <b>Earthshaker</b>

  • Anonymous @ Monday, May 19, 2003

    Just added a new new demo from <b>Payday</b>. It is a demo with some old parts with date from before 1995. This one has a nice oldschool feeling to it. Keep on sending those demos guys! <b>Earthshaker</b>

  • Anonymous @ Sunday, May 18, 2003

    Again all the latest submissions have been added to the archive. Enjoy them and keep on sending in those demos. Thanks to the people who submitted this time! <b>Earthshaker<b>

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