Latest Site News
  • June 2022
    Baracuda @ Friday, June 10, 2022

    Hi there again on our demobase. These time we have also fixed some older bugs here and today i present you Artist Picture Pack 28 and 4 JHM Picture Packs with mostly portraits of past composers.. We could solve a request for an older demo and i am happy to be alive.

    If you feel the same then simply enjoy the commodore64 and the new shit i'm doing for you and all the freaks out there. These C64 productions you could find only here and nowhere else.

  • Artist Picture Pack 25 !
    Baracuda @ Tuesday, May 31, 2022

    I am very proud to present you today the Artist Picture Pack number 25 !

    8737 results now shown on and it will still raise. Hope more guys will join the fun you can have here. Now upload your own productions to help us.


  • with more updates
    Baracuda @ Friday, May 20, 2022

    As always new groups, new sceners, new modified and old art was uploaded by Baracuda on these site. The news got filled again by me about the scene here on these site. You don't need to kill any speeder or be afraid of any incompatibility if you use my picture packs. They include pictures which you have never seen before or where you have to wait to see them in the original productions or which you can't see directly.. Often the pictures used in the original productions had pixelbugs which where never fixed. So enjoy..

    Keep in mind: On our site you can find c64 programs which you can't find in every database. My uploads only in D64 Format and exclusive here.

    Baracuda/BLAZON/THE STOCK international/Smash Designs

  • Enjoy the springtime
    Baracuda @ Wednesday, May 11, 2022

    Now we use ASP.NET Core 6.0 here on our site.

    As always you can find the latest added Stuff here:

    If you are interested only in newly produced C64 programs by KSX or me and my groups or other use these link here:

    But of course that is not all you can find here, you should better take your time and take a walk with me through our site as you can find so much more, can leave your comments, check out the links chapter and, and.. Also you can register yourself and add your own productions here without any stupid moaning about and gatekeepers. In the end C64 is only a hobby and all you do is for fun in your own spare time. So we should better all be happy about new productions which got shared in 2022.. Especially in these war times.

    Again new groups, new sceners, new modified and old art was uploaded on these site. The news got filled about the scene here as for our little but special Database too.

    Keep in mind: On our site you can find c64 programs which you can't find everywhere. ;-)


  • Time is ticking away...
    Baracuda @ Wednesday, April 20, 2022

    Here we are again with some fresh uploads done in the last days to bring you only working, tested productions.. I did also some own productions as i was sad about the productions avaible with bugging disks, pixelbugs, slow loaders, missing pictures and other reasons for me to do my own versions. There is also the last SWL List now avaible which shows the last time some of my stuff which was avaible for all in the past.. Await also soon a new CGSC Collection, maybe next month with a lot of Rework by Pete. Watch out for more..

  • More productions, sceners, groups, more additional infos..
    Baracuda @ Sunday, April 10, 2022

    After i brought you SUPER back with some and own productions, i present you some picture packs and diashows. Also other c64 stuff which you can get only here at our Demobase. Enjoy!

  • Sidplayer Revival !
    Baracuda @ Tuesday, March 29, 2022

    After i brought you ESCOS (EXPANDED SCREEN CONSTRUCTIONS) back with some and own productions, i present you now a pack which you can get only here at our Demobase. You get now tools too ! I used the CGSC tunes, thanks for his help to Peter Weighill and his great page. So these Friday there will be hopefully an update of the sidtunes. Which you can find on his site:

    So don't hesitate and enjoy also some picpacs i did, nothing special only to present you some art of the past. So come with me and take a trip back into the 80's. Check out all i found and did here:

    If you only like to check out the latest Toolpack and Sidplayer tune release:

  • Unspecified
    Baracuda @ Tuesday, March 22, 2022

    What does these mean personaly for me and my productions ?

    i found old stuff which i like to and had an idea about how to do that. converting, optimizing, packing.. just for fun and as my hobby.

    I hope you enjoy..


  • The Stock exclusive productions
    Baracuda @ Tuesday, March 22, 2022

    If you check out here on what TSI did the last time you will find out that The Stock does 8 new productions !

    Some productions are older but now released, others are fresh to avoid loading times in other productions. Never done before and for you to enjoy them now without any need to wait for the art done in the past. So i did some picpacks where you can see the pic so long like you will and again and one after another without waiting to be ready after loading them or any loading trouble on different hardware systems.. Await more..

  • Baracuda back on track..
    Baracuda @ Wednesday, March 9, 2022

    More and these time exclusive c64 releases, demos got added to and typos, errors got fixed. Older entries got useful additional informations, some credits and now on twitter. Links to youtube were inserted, group infos, pictures added. Only here i have started an ESCOS Revival. Lean back and enjoy OUR Site.

    More will follow

557 Results / Showing Page 4 of 56 with records 31 to 40