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  • ...and 15 more...
    Jack Alien @ Sunday, September 7, 2003

    Just a quick one...

    Music and Graphic-collections by <b>The Remembers </b>and <b>Nostalgia</b>.


  • 6 New :)
    Sabbi @ Sunday, September 7, 2003

    Thanks to <b>Exile/Anubus</b>, <b>Quasar</b> and <b>vigo/Bronx^TRSI</b> 6 new Demos by <b>Anubis</b>,<b>Bronx</b> and <b>Centric</b> have been added.

    Have fun!

  • 15 more... BANG!
    Jack Alien @ Saturday, September 6, 2003

    This time demos by:

    <b>Eurostyle Double-team, Faces </b>and <b>The Voice</b>.

    Enjoy... .. .

  • Update of 20...
    Jack Alien @ Friday, September 5, 2003

    I just upped 20 more... this time demos by <b>Focus, Hoaxers, Triangle </b>and <b>Xakk</b>.


  • 40 new ones...
    Jack Alien @ Tuesday, September 2, 2003

    Just as I said, here are <b>38 </b>demos by <b>The Last Science</b>. Added also 1 demo by <b>The Obsessed Maniacs </b>and 1 demo by <b>Masters Design Group</b>.

    Special thanks to <b>Iopop/Triad </b> for alot of <b>TLS </b>demos.


  • 20 small ones...
    Jack Alien @ Monday, September 1, 2003

    Here we give you 19 demos by <b>Digital Force (DGF-Crew) </b>and 1 demo by <b>Bonzai</b>.

    Thanks to <b>Iopop/Triad </b>for the info what <b>DGF </b>is standing for and for all the demos!

    Anyway, coming soon: <b>38 </b> demos by <b>The Last Science</b>!!!

    But first enjoy these... .. .

  • Update... 10 more added
    Jack Alien @ Saturday, August 30, 2003

    This time demos by:

    <b>T'Pau, X-Ample, Atlantis </b>and <b>The Last Science</b>. One is a coop-demo between <b>The Last Science and DGF-Crew</b>.

    If you know what <b>DGF </b>is standing for, let us know, thanks!


  • 10 more...
    Jack Alien @ Thursday, August 28, 2003

    Also 10 more, 2 of them are <b>NTSC </b>demos.

    Here are: <b>Dominators, Sphinx, Spirit, The Hidden Forces </b>plus 2 coop-demos by <b>Contex+Knickers </b>and <b>Science 451+The Hidden Forces</b>. NTSC demos by <b>Vile </b>.


  • Gloom-mania...
    Jack Alien @ Wednesday, August 27, 2003

    Here we give you 12 demos by <b>Gloom </b>plus 3 coop demos by <b>Gloom+Spherical Designs, Gloom+Sunrise </b>and <b>Gloom+X-Ray.


  • for Contiki-Users
    Anonymous @ Monday, August 25, 2003

    <a href = "" target = "_blank"></a> is a special optimized version of C64.CH for use with the Contiki-WebBrowser and -WebDownloader.

    You can download the .d64 / .prg Files directly to your C64 without having to unzip them!

557 Results / Showing Page 39 of 56 with records 381 to 390