Profile of klatyikt
Real name:Tamás Klátyik
Public EMail:
Tell us something (blabla):The Abandoneds was a small group based in Salgótarján, Hungary. We released a demo, it's name was Crises. Two of us coded the parts, painted the logos and composed the zax. We've organised a Party with a help of some Faces members, the Faces + ABS Party in Salgótarján, somewhere the beginning of the '90s. After starting to go to a secondary school, we haven't got a lot of time to continue, this is why, unfortunately we left the scene. Nowaday I'm just looking for the C64 demos, and this way I arrived here.
Watching demos on:PC
In Groups:Abandoneds
Favorite Groups:Crest, Flash Inc, Faces, Coma, etc.
Registered on:August 8th, 2002 (8251 Days ago)
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