"Je t'aime… moi non plus"
by Baracuda
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Aka: Je t'aime
By: Baracuda
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - Music
Released on:June 26th, 2023
Remarks:"Je t'aime… moi non plus" (French for "I love you… me neither") is a song written by Serge Gainsbourg for Brigitte Bardot, 1967 . In Gainsbourg recorded the best known version with Jane Birkin, 1969. If you are bored of some of my tunes i share here try the space bar.
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Credits: Music
Groepaz of Shitmen and Dienstagstreff
Baracuda of Blazon, Smash Designs, The Stock and C64.CH
Added: June 26th, 2023
Added by:Baracuda

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