Bloody Domination
by Samar Productions
By: Samar Productions
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - Demo
Released on:August 31st, 1997
Released at: Gravity 1997 (Ranked 1st at the Demo-Competition)
8.00 out of 10 (10 ratings)
Added: November 12th, 2001

samar-bloody_domination.zipLegacy Download
Downloads: 10772
Size: 215 kBytes

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Total Downloads:10772
  • No avatar

    great demo !!

    lefy @ 2004-02-26 15:30:07
  • No avatar

    "Did you know that...

    In the 60's you needed the power of two c64's to land on the moon...

    In 2003 you need the power of a pentium 3 just to start windows..."

    But, please, leave out the "German Design"?

    Anonymous  @ 2003-04-20 20:18:52
  • No avatar

    Some really cool effects here! The bump map lucks awesome with good colors and texture and is smooth too! The textured (one of the fastest and nicest I have seen) and gouraud cube is cool too. Some fx maybe slow, but they look good..


    Anonymous  @ 0001-01-01 00:00:00