by Role (Raiders of the lost Empire)
By: Role (Raiders of the lost Empire)
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - Demo
Released on:October 7th, 2001
3.23 out of 10 (13 ratings)
Added: Before December 1999

role-15th.zipLegacy Download
Downloads: 3025
Size: 23 kBytes

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Total Downloads:3025
  • No avatar

    No, ROLE dos NOT sponsor the Willow Party (at least not by money :-)), Willow Party is of course organized by Willow. The Role Demo released at Willow 2001 was "14th", not "15th".

    Scorpe @ 2002-02-06 16:22:25
  • No avatar

    Hasn't been released at Willow party!

    Anonymous  @ 2001-11-25 03:05:31
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    Anonymous  @ 2001-11-19 09:24:21
  • No avatar

    Hm, vever been on that Willow stuff, seems

    that Role sponsors them...

    OK, notas bad as 1-13, but I've seen better

    ones 5 Years ago...

    Anonymous  @ 0001-01-01 00:00:00
  • No avatar

    Cool ASCII gfx!

    Anonymous  @ 0001-01-01 00:00:00