Carrions Oldschool Pixels 100 percent
by Crest
By: Crest
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - Demo
Video-Standard: PAL
Released on:December 23rd, 2009
Remarks:demo use art from Boris Vallejo, Luis Royo, others..
Hidden Parts:
The hidden parts (there are two) can be accessed any time... There are 2 Hidden parts, simply enter the monitor and filling the hashtable with 00 - otherwise the keyword is four (five with spaces, but these are ignored) letters extra... can you guess ? f 2370 2373 00 ; for the 1st MUIFLI pic f 2374 2377 00 ; for the 2nd MUIFLI pic
n/a (Too few ratings)
Added: January 9th, 2010
Added by:sinalco
Submitted by:Markus S*

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