Tower Power 100%
by Camelot
By: Camelot
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - Demo
Released on:1994
Released at: The Party 1993 (Ranked 1st at the Demo-Competition)
Remarks:92% Version released at The Party 93, 100% Version released in late 1994 - But it isn't ! - Both the hidden boobs part and the end screen bugs when you press space.- The intro pic is from an old saga about a Danish king from around year 0 called Frode Fredegod, who allegedly was so popular that when he died, his staff feared that chaos would break loose if people found out. So instead they tried to preserve the dead body by salting it and stuffing it with herbs. Then they drove it around the country to fool people into believing he was still alive. This scheme lasted about six years before the body was too decayed..
Hidden Parts:
Load the >>TOWER POWER!<< file but don't run it, clear the screen and type "SECRET" at the top left corner of the screen (the clue was "top secret" geddit?). Get the cursor to a free space, type run but don't turn the disk. The 256 bobs was coded in 1992, and left out of "produkthandler kom her"
8.17 out of 10 (70 ratings)
Added: Before December 1999

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Downloads: 15035
Size: 184 kBytes

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  • No avatar

    The best demo ever made by CML. Nice work!

    Truss @ 2005-12-28 06:09:19
  • No avatar

    best demo on c64 for me :)

    Anonymous  @ 2005-07-11 14:10:39
  • No avatar

    really nice!

    lordnikon @ 2003-08-11 17:03:29
  • No avatar

    Althrough the Best demo by Camelot ,Jeff did a great job on the music! =)

    Exin @ 2002-05-06 18:33:16
  • No avatar

    fucking best

    dwangi @ 2002-01-31 14:27:49
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    Cool trackmo!

    Optimus @ 2002-01-16 19:01:34
  • No avatar

    won their own party-compo with an worth trackmo // fine multispeed sid !!

    Anonymous  @ 2001-10-12 00:14:22
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    fucked up

    Anonymous  @ 2001-04-10 21:40:24