by Triad
By: Triad
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - Demo
Released on:2000
Remarks:2nd at Dreamhack 2000
7.43 out of 10 (46 ratings)
Added: August 3rd, 2001

triad-manhood.zipLegacy Download
Downloads: 8616
Size: 67 kBytes

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Total Downloads:8616
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    Manhood II will be even better!

    WsW @ 2003-03-07 17:11:56
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    good code.gfx, musik ... but hey... what kind of concept is this..... do another feedback demo and drop this concept

    dwangi @ 2002-01-29 10:08:58
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    it's all up to Mindflow

    Anonymous  @ 2001-11-26 01:20:40
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    Anonymous  @ 2001-10-15 10:03:39
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    bad design!

    Anonymous  @ 2001-10-03 13:57:25
  • No avatar

    Not all that impressive technically, but what counts here is the thought that's gone into the production. A disturbing yet insightful look into the roles society has us playing, and some low-key commentary on a vital subject. A must-have for anyone with a brain.

    Anonymous  @ 2001-09-17 08:51:48
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    open my mindflow...

    Anonymous  @ 0001-01-01 00:00:00