by Contex
By: Contex
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - Demo
Released on:1989
Released at: 2000 A.D. party (Released at the Demo-Competition)
Remarks:First Cycleburner-Demo for Contex
7.86 out of 10 (22 ratings)
Added: August 2nd, 2001

contex-youthquake.zipLegacy Download
Downloads: 10335
Size: 76 kBytes

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Emulate in Browser (Experimental)

Total Downloads:10335
  • No avatar

    Brilliant sampled sounds. Amazing demo. Who needs all these cool effects, when you can do really cool digitized tracks.

    richard @ 2002-12-29 18:30:07
  • No avatar

    Respect to Cycleburner!

    apollyon @ 2002-03-22 23:23:30
  • No avatar

    This is a awesome Demo from Contex!

    board_rider @ 2002-02-06 16:45:38
  • No avatar

    Good stuff. Cycleburner rocks.

    style @ 2002-01-29 12:14:29
  • No avatar

    Respect to the old groups!

    Anonymous  @ 2001-11-14 00:39:36
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    Anonymous  @ 2001-11-03 17:16:19
  • No avatar

    Amazing digis!

    Anonymous  @ 2001-11-01 21:11:32
  • No avatar

    Amazing digi-tracks! Some messed up

    logo-colors apparently, but great ideas!

    Great oldskool style! Get it!

    raven @ 2001-09-25 11:39:31