Man on the Moon
by Eastenders Cracking Crew
By: Eastenders Cracking Crew
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - One File Demo
Video-Standard: PAL
Released on:1987
Remarks:Demo use the wellknown picture of Neil Armstrong. Neil Alden Armstrong (* 5. August 1930 raised in Wapakoneta, Ohio; † 25. August 2012 in Cincinnati, Ohio) was an US-american testpilot und astronaut. He was commander of Apollo 11, which flew to the moon with Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins. On July 21, 1969, he became the first person to enter the moon, tell us the history books...
n/a (Too few ratings)
Credits: Graphics
Stephan Greiwe
Added: January 22nd, 2006
Added by:Troublemaker
Submitted by:dst1996

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