Tutan 2
by - Not known -
Aka: Tut
By: - Not known -
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - Graphics
Released on:1986
Remarks:These ESCOS picture was featured in Zzap!64 Issue #20, page 131. Original was painted by Bob Stevenson, better known as RS4 at Compunet times. Later these guy was a graphican for System 3. Tutan2 in the 1001 crew demos was written by Tony Crowther from Gremlin Graphics. This was not originally done by the 1001 crew. We were second to get a full screen out there, but first to do the sprite multiplexor. Neil Henry - So ignore the 1001 in the filename, these is because the 1001 cruncher was used ! Baracuda
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Credits: Code
Ratt of We M.U.S.I.C.
Bob Stevenson of Kinetic Design
Ratt of We M.U.S.I.C.
Added: May 14th, 2000

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    wow !

    keith @ 0001-01-01 00:00:00