by Smash Designs
By: Smash Designs
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - One File Demo
Released on:April 24th, 2000
Released at: Mekka & Symposium 2000 (Ranked 13th at the Demo-Competition)
Remarks:Yes it was a funny idea about first seeing the demo backwards and then forwards and add a wicked tune by the composer Wacek. Which certainly elevates the pulse rate (with a slower paced interlude, beautifully timed, just before you pass out from the headrush!).
n/a (Too few ratings)
Credits: Code
Dasheele of Smash Designs
Wacek of Smash Designs, Lepsi Development, Albion Crew, Varcaus, Arise and Censure Designz
AEG of Smash Designs and Die Chefrocker
Added: April 29th, 2000

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