Knight Games Music
by 1001 Crew
Aka: Knight Games Music Selector
By: 1001 Crew
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - One File Demo
Video-Standard: PAL
Released on:July 5th, 1986
Remarks:The Dutch USA-Team has written the intro which is used in these little production . Because one of those guys from the Dutch USA-Team didn't liked the 1001 intros they had and so he told them via a phonecall in may 1986 that he will do an intro for them.. The 1001 Crew later used these intro also for some of their cracks..
n/a (Too few ratings)
Credits: Music
David Whittaker
Added: December 10th, 2003
Added by:earthshaker
Submitted by:Mr.Mister/Trance

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