Risen From Oblivion (C128)
by Crest and Oxyron
By: Crest and Oxyron
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - Demo
Video-Standard: PAL
Released on:April 16th, 2001
Released at: Mekka & Symposium 2001 (Ranked 2nd at the Wild-Competition)
Remarks:The parts with "new" VIC-colors do sadly not work on too much CRTs.. Demo use an image from Boris Vallejo.
n/a (Too few ratings)
Added: September 12th, 2003
Added by:Jack Alien

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  • No avatar

    Whats up with the Screenshot? On real hardware (at least on my C128) it doesn't look that much stretched in X.

    enigma @ 2009-01-05 17:10:55
  • No avatar

    the best demo on C128 IMHO of coz

    Navigator @ 2004-01-04 00:08:58