Totally Stoned 2
by Booze Design
By: Booze Design
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - Demo
Released on:May 31st, 1993
Released at: The Computer Crossroad 1993 (Ranked 2nd at the Demo-Competition)
7.65 out of 10 (17 ratings)
Credits: Graphics
Bob Stevenson
Added: December 5th, 1999

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  • No avatar

    strange that this is not ranked higher... and to those who give the mark "1" and this one..

    Hey you must be reaaaaallly great sceners!!!

    dwangi @ 2002-04-06 13:28:17
  • No avatar

    Tons of great effects. My personal faves are the Escos mover (in the screenshot) and the 7 colour shadebobs.

    puterman @ 2002-03-25 18:42:07