Jet Set Willy in The Viz Comic Sketch
by Hackersoft
By: Hackersoft
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - One File Demo
Released on:1996
Remarks:Funny parody starring Jet Set Willy which used ripped Music from Codemaster's 'Super Robin Hood' by David Whittaker. Vinny programmed this little demo using BASIC! and a few machine-code routines. It was an idea that looked better in his head than it actually did on the C64. Looking back on it now Vinny could have done a better job with the demo end.
Hidden Parts:
Have you ever notice how the same doors lead to different locations ? This was a complete overseen error. If you watch the demo all the way through and then start back at the title screen, for some reason the (C) symbol has changed..
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Credits: Music
David Whittaker
Added: March 3rd, 2002

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Size: 22 kBytes

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    Music by David Whitaker

    Vinny @ 2003-09-23 13:08:10
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    Written by Vincenzo Mainolfi

    Vinny @ 2003-09-23 13:07:33