It's coming Crest - NTSC Fix
by The Stock
By: The Stock
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - One File Demo
Released on:2000
Remarks:Baracuda: Roland was a Freelancer in our organization, which had a Homepage and a Paper Magazine. The Stock was what you might call a "Service Group": - We collected a stock of error-free versions of disks which had been spread widely with errors on them - hence the name of the group. - We fixed errors and incompatibilities in demos and other productions (created C128-compatible versions of some demos, for example). - We also repaired your broken disks and helped you to track down programs you were looking for - error-free of course. - We gave (financial) support to German diskmags, International diskmags and papermags, e.g. gave the tools to help, save the PAL/NTSC diskmag Scene World. In 2009 Crossbow lost mostly the interest in C64 coding and so the demo it seems will never come.. ;)
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Credits: Code
Crossbow of Crest
Xayne of Crest
Crossbow of Crest
Crossbow of Crest
Crossbow of Crest
Added: October 4th, 2024
Added by:Baracuda

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