by Goerp
By: Goerp
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - Graphics
Released on:September 27th, 2024
Remarks:Terry Pratchett quote suggests that even as individuals age, their internal perception of themselves remains youthful. It highlights the contradiction between the outer appearance and the inner self. It implies that older individuals often feel a sense of surprise or disbelief about how quickly time has passed and how they have reached their current age. Ultimately, it captures the universal feeling of nostalgia for one's youth and a sense of wonderment at the passage of time. (packed Version)
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Credits: Graphics
Goerp of Fantastic 4 Cracking Group and Hokuto Force
Baracuda of Blazon, Smash Designs, The Stock and C64.CH
Added: September 28th, 2024
Added by:Baracuda

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