by Triad
By: Triad
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - Demo
Released on:1998
8.10 out of 10 (61 ratings)
Added: Before December 1999

triad-refugee.zipLegacy Download
Downloads: 11646
Size: 94 kBytes

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Total Downloads:11646
  • No avatar

    one of the best c64 demos ever

    hollowman @ 2003-09-06 21:31:24
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    This is how you make a demo...

    Anonymous  @ 2003-05-09 17:25:40
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    "I'm going out! Out!?"

    Ha! Here's my demo...

    Anonymous  @ 2003-04-20 18:40:30
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    What are you gonna' do now?

    WsW @ 2003-03-07 17:15:11
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    Unique style - Triad concept. Great at the end of a heavy night.

    stuntman @ 2002-05-31 01:19:28
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    dwangi @ 2002-01-31 14:31:14
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    Thumbs up for Triad's conceptual demos! This and RedStorm had a so sad feeling with the lyrics/musics they have!

    Anonymous  @ 2001-10-03 12:51:20
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    Just about the best freaking demo you'll ever see! INCREDIBLE!!!

    Anonymous  @ 2001-05-09 23:51:09
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    Not as good as Red Storm but almost. Very nice demo, a bit short though.

    Anonymous  @ 2001-05-04 15:15:29