by Triad
By: Triad
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - Demo
Released on:1993
Remarks:Demo use art from Dance of the Dead by Christie Golden (Ravenloft),1992.. Demo use also art from the album cover for Magnum – Chase The Dragon, 1982. The black beauty could be found in the production of the MCM girls and is "retouched". More than 80% of the pictures ever released on C64 are wired.. :-P The techniques changed but the idea behind doing such stuff is the same.. If we would discuss every retouched or converted picture of the last 10+ years it could become a fulltime job. ;-) Also a lot of diskmagazines talked about that and published articles about these behaviour..
7.91 out of 10 (33 ratings)
Added: Before December 1999

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