Clever & Smart
by Interfox
By: Interfox
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - One File Demo
Released on:1985
Remarks:Clever & Smart (original: Mortadelo y Filemón) is a comic book series by spanish comic artist Francisco Ibáñez, which has existed since 1958. The title refers to the two main characters, both of them are agents of the T.I.A.(Trans-International Agent Ring). Originally, this abbreviation stands for Técnicos de Investigación Aeroterráquea. The term TIA sounds similar to CIA, but in Spanish it means aunt or colloquially as much as a chick or old woman. Comics published by Condor Verlag / Conpart Verlag f.e..
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Credits: Music
Rob Hubbard
Beep of Interfox
Added: December 31st, 2001
Added by:Anonymous

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