Child Jesus
by The Stock
Aka: Barn Jesus i en Krybbe lå
By: The Stock
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - Demo
Released on:December 27th, 2023
Remarks:These version of the song "Child Jesus came to earth this day" was done by Danish composer, conductor, violinist, organist and teacher Mr. Niels Wilhelm Gade, 1859. Use the tools i add for you on these special disk to have some fun with these nice track. .. Best way to test these release is to download the image and avoid while testing the stereo player the fastload option.
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Credits: Code
Kenneth Bell Jr.
Kermit R. Woodall of Underground SID Network
Dave Schmoldt
Terry Kryger
Knees Calhoon
Mark A. Dickenson of Disk-Vision Software
Whole Note
Whole Note
Baracuda of Blazon, Smash Designs, The Stock and C64.CH
Michael Johnson
Baracuda of Blazon, Smash Designs, The Stock and C64.CH
Baracuda of Blazon, Smash Designs, The Stock and C64.CH
Added: December 27th, 2023
Added by:Baracuda

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Size: 90 kBytes

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    Dr. Friedrich Nielsen of Copenhagen informs us that the Danish of "Child Jesus comes," beginning "Barn Jesus i en Krybbe la," was first published in Johan Christian Gebauer's Album for 1849, was set to music by Niels W. Gade, 1859.

    Baracuda @ 2023-12-30 11:38:23