Serpent Demo [fix]
by Ian Coog
By: Ian Coog
Category: C64 - C64 Demo - One File Demo
Released on:August 24th, 2010
Remarks:Reripped from Hunter's Moon disk original, unfrozen and fixed both $d800 colors (they were correct on the RAM under D800 and not above =) and music initialized correctly. Robin said: The original image was completed in one night on the date under the sig. I do not ever recall this ever being uploaded to COMPUNET but it was on the B-side of the Hunter's Moon disk. There is a small chance that it might have been included on one of our disks swaps to mainland Europe at the time. However this is doubtful considering its called "serpent" which was the file name that was used on the Hunters game disk (serpent+sample) because of an objection from the boss of Thalamus. This was my first ever "finished" c64 picture and the first time I used VIDCOM which I continued to use till Turbo Charge; which should go some way to explain why it's sub-par compared to my later stuff. Yes- it's a copy of the cabinet art from the Salamander arcade machine that me and the rest of Cyberdyne were addicted to and was the inspiration for Armalyte.
n/a (Too few ratings)
Credits: Music
Matt Gray
Robin Levy
Ian Coog
Added: November 11st, 2023
Added by:Baracuda

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